Lesson's From A Tree

I have been thinking lately of how, in my past, I have felt so ungrounded at times.  Like I didn't belong.  I have experienced a lot of personal loss in my life and have sometimes felt just how easy it would have been to  just give up.  How easy it is to give into despair and feel that nothing ever really changes.  You may have heard the saying, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Changing our belief system can be really challenging at times, especially when things happen that are truly outside our control. 

But when I think of faith, I am reminded of a tree that has it roots deep inside the earth.  If the roots are strong and deep enough,  then the winds that blow cannot uproot it.  And I get it.  I get that sometimes our faith gets deeply shaken.  And we feel like giving up.  Giving up our dreams.  Giving up on love.  It may feel safer that way, even if it means that we have to experience feelings of numbing loneliness. 

The thing is, giving up should never be an option.  Not when it comes to living the live that we are intended to live.  Not when it means that we stay cocooned in a so called blanket of self-protection just to avoid taking a chance.  A risk.

We only need a tiny bit of faith the size of a seed.  From that seed a tree grows and bears much fruit.  And in every single piece of fruit are seeds that can multiply into an orchard. Talk about abundance.  Talk about lushness.

While we cannot control everything that happens in our lives, we can control our responses to these unfortunate experiences.  We can ground ourselves deep inside our faith. We can choose to be happy.  We can choose to learn from our pain.  We can choose to be grateful and soak in the abundance that pours out of our soul.  The good stuff is here. You just have to look for it and recognize it.

Be like a tree planted by water.  Let your roots of faith and love ground you deep into an eternal inner knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  Because you do belong.


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